Arizona Building and Construction Trades Council


Contact the Arizona Building and Construction Trades Council to:

    1. Learn more about our member organizations
    2. Discuss how you can utilize our unsurpassed, high-quality workforce on your next project
    3. Find out more about our efforts to secure Arizona jobs for Arizona workers

Our Statewide Organization:
Arizona Building and Construction Trades Council
5021 N. 20th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Phone: 480-493-8798

Our National Organization:
Building and Construction Trades Department
815 16th Street NW
Suite 600
Washington DC, 20006
Phone: 202-347-1461
Fax: 202.628.0724

Arizona’s Contractor Licensing & Regulatory Agency:
Arizona Registrar of Contractors
800 W. Washington St., 6th Floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Phone: 602-542-1525